AO non publiee ? [Traité]

Discussion dans 'Archives Aide' démarrée par kakiklo, 6 mars 2015.

Chère utilisatrice, cher utilisateur,

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  1. kakiklo

    kakiklo Habitué

    je me refere a ceci ;
    dont je vous laisse le soin de traduire le texte ci apres :
    Howdy Farmers,

    We would like to assure you that we are aware of your feedback and address two of your biggest current concerns.

    We are aware of the fact that the manure changes had a bigger impact than expected, and we are working on finding a solution to minimise this. As soon as we have more information, we will let you know.

    You are all wondering about the reason behind the stars removal from the latest events, so we would like to give you an insight on what we have in mind for the stars in the future:
    - Currently there is a big “star gap” between players that got all the stars from events and those who did not play events or just partially participated in them;
    - Because events give stars only for a limited time and many players might miss them, we will stop giving them in events for now;
    - Everybody should be able to get enough stars for the tree (by progressing through the game and with a certain amount of effort), so we will continue to put stars into new permanent quest that are only playable once;
    - For lower level players and players who does not have enough stars, we are looking into ways to grant access to enough of them so the tree runes can be all unlocked;
    - For players with high amount of unused stars, we are thinking about ways on which they can spend the star surplus; Among other things, we are thinking about including new runes for higher level players, to expand the Tree of Wisdom.

    est-ce normal que nous n' en ayons aucune annonce officielle chez nous, povres francais ?
  2. M-Night

    M-Night Board Administrator Team Farmerama FR


    L'email était tout simplement noyé dans tous les emails que nous recevons. Dès que j'aurai fini les sujets du forum, je ferai l'Annonce Officielle.

    La réponse étant donnée, je ferme le sujet.

    Bon jeu :)
    hernoine aime votre message.
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